Saturday, 28 August 2004

On Hiatus

Not like you'd actually notice, but I'm leaving for vacation.... now. =)

I'll be back September 8, and might try to update if I find a hotspot somewhere on my route. Otherwise, I'll see you then.

If the need to reach me is urgent. The address is:

9025292783 [at] pcs [dot] rogers [dot] com.

See you all soon.

Tuesday, 24 August 2004

The Update of Implied Melodrama (Update)

It's been drawn to my attention that I neglected to consider statistical anomalies. The first statement should read "99% of people, ±1%, nineteen times out of twenty."

The Update of Implied Melodrama

Well, I had initially considered making this a melodramatic diatribe on how everybody hates me, but, really, I know that's not true. It's only 99% of people who hate me.


Honestly. It's just a phase. The phase of despondency. This phase comes and goes like the phases of the moon -- darkness and light -- except more often, with less reflected sunlight, and no impact on the Earth's tides.

I can see that my previous update struck a nerve with everyone, specifically, the Not Commenting Anymore nerve. This brings me sadness, because, as you know, my commenters are my only friends.

The last two weeks have been filled with time spent on the Bookmobile, a time in which I've come to appreciate the importance of local library service to isolated communities as well the work that those who provide that service do, as well as a new-found admiration of the 14.4K modem, which would have seemed unnaturally fast in those rural communities.

Had Swiss Chalet yesterday with The Bra-Shopping Dynamic Duo. Delicious, the food. Less awkward than expected, the bra shopping. Note: looks better in green. I, myself, bought no bras on the expedition, since La Senza seemed to be out of my size, 42-double-nothing.

Heading off to New England and Ontario on the weekend. It's gonna be awesome!

That is all. Ta. :-)

Tuesday, 17 August 2004

The Update of Design

Which is really the update of banner.
Which is really the update of being too lazy to write content.

Which isn't true, really. Today, however, my update will take the form of a series of metaphors based on the Star Trek: TNG episode, Darmok.

Lauren (non-link to left), in Lunenburg County. Branflakes, on the Bookmobile. Shaka, when the walls fell.

Branflakes, his car fuelled up. The Library, their calendar marked off. Branflakes and Chameleon at Winthrop. The Dyers, their arms open! Ottawa, on Canada Day!

That is all. More later, folks.

Tuesday, 3 August 2004

The Update of Pictures

I've never had an update of pictures, before, but I have to admit the concept of updates without me having to develop witty content is entirely too appealing to possibly be healthy.

The times, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, they are not like they used to be.

Branflakesmobile I: A New Hope
It was a sad day yesterday, when Branflakesmobile I: A New Hope finally entered the last stages of its retirement, and left, on the back of a wrecking truck, for that big auto salvage in the sky Chelsea. It was not the greatest car, but what it lacked in fuel economy, it made up with gawdy wood panelling and a mediocre sound system.

...oh, the obsessions of mine that car saw... ;-)

Seriously though, good memories. It made the first of the vaunted Trips to Maine with That Hot Chick. I think it still had good time left in it before That Incident With the Deer, and That Incident Where the Cops Ran Into Me.

Fare thee well, Branflakesmobile I. I hope you're in a better place now.

...and from A New Hope to Hope For Us All.

Durl and Jo - Congratulations!

I've always held to the firm belief that once you see something in the newspaper, it must be true. Just think of Iraq's weapons of mass destr.... damn.

Anyway, I was perusing the online edition of The Bridgewater Bulletin (and the Progress Enterprise), and came across the picture you see above. Today's lesson -- marriage: it could happen to you. I mean, if it could happen to this guy, it could happen to anybody. Even me. Scary, isn't it?

Seriously, though, I watched and was thoroughly interested by Mr. Darrell's Masters defense, immediately following which I got to see the absolutely beautiful matching engagement rings they have. Congratulations, Durl and Jo.

In response to people who have been asking me how the church service I led went, thank you for your concern. I was not smote on the spot, so I guess I didn't do that badly. For any who want to know what I talked about, the complete order of service is available here in PDF format. An MP3, courtesy of FM 98.1, CKBW and The Eggman will be available here shortly.

Oh, and Tiffy's moving to BC tomorrow morning. Have a safe trip, Tiffy; Nova Scotia won't be the same without you. :-(

That's all. Send your comments this way.