Saturday, 8 December 2001

On the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference

Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference

So here I am putting the finishing touches on my website in preparation for CUTC 2002.

Its hard to believe one year has passed since the blur that was my last visit to Kitchener-Waterloo. I blame most of that blur on bronchitis, as opposed to most people, who might blame the blur on beer. Or something. But that's another story.

I'm probably something of an enigma when one examines the plans of most of the CUTC delegates. Like many, I'm sure, I currently study Computer Science, but my career plans never once assumed I was going to do this. I was absolutely sure I was going to be one of two things: a minister, or a librarian. Both are very people-oriented professions. However, I feel technology will come to play an increasingly important role in such professions in the near future.

Obviously, in library science, computer cataloguing has improved markedly efficiency in tracking and locating library holdings, and the Internet has made available a vast treasure of resources to which access would have been very difficult just a few years ago. The Government of Canada has noted the need for library staff with a strong base of knowledge in information technology fields, and has created the LibraryNet program in response. Included in this program is a continuing series of grants which library systems can apply for to hire youth to work on IT-related projects, and to provide general support. I, myself, am currently on my third such grant with the South Shore Regional Librarytelevision as a vehicle to spread their faith, must start to look toward to the Internet, and/or whatever other new communications technologies present themselves as new tools in their mission.

Thus, logic dictates that people who choose to enter such professions have, at minimum, a solid background and a certain comfort level with new technologies. Case in point: the Acadia Divinity College, the seminary of the Atlantic Baptist Convention, has opted in to the Acadia Advantage program, ensuring that all its graduates have that essential familiarity with computer technology that is so important in a wired world.

Alas, I chose to be a librarian instead.

See y'all next week. [People in the Tech. and Society stream especially.] :-)