Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. I hope you all got to spend the day with someone you care about. :-)
First things first, go see 50 First Dates. It was really a great movie, with some really touching moments once you got past the projectile vomiting and walrus jokes. :-/
Secondly, on Wednesday, February 11, an event unparalleled in human history took place. The Raging Abstract Data Types (I'm not making that up) performed a feat previously unheard of in the annals of Computer Science broomball - we won a game. And not one of those pansy wins by default that you hear so much about. We actually won by scoring more goals than the other team. Well, one goal more. But it's stillmore! Woot!
Thinking about auditioning for the Nova Scotia Youth Choir. I almost certainly won't, given that I suck. But who knows. At least I typed it, which means I now have to give it serious thought. Before I decide not to. ;-) [Seriously though, anything think I've got what it takes to be a mediocre third-string bass or tenor in the NSYC? Be vicious.]
Anyway, I'm off tomorrow night for a week of -- work in Bridgewater, or as I like to call it, a week of "continued stress and adventure - just different stress and adventure".
I wouldn't want it any other way.