Saturday, 29 November 2003

Sweet, Sweet Nothingness

If you take a look over on Nancy's site, you'll notice the great news she provides regarding her feduciary situation. And good on her, I say.

As you can see, my situation is significantly less promising. Observe how the balances are so high that they have reached critical mass, and not even the light needed to make those numbers clear can escape their massive gravitational pull. Note also how this same gravitational pull blurs the account numbers as well.

Truly, I tell you, these balances are capable of making grown men cry. Believe me, I've done it. :-)

In other news, the trek toward completion of the Corinthians paper continues unabated. When it's finished, read it here first. Unless you're Dr. Evans, in which case, read the copy that I get to you using ADC's late essay handin procedures. At a hopeful 1600-1800 words, the longest piece of incoherent crap biblical exegesis ever emanating from my pen brain keyboard. I will look forward to reading my loyal fanbase's comments.

Exams start next week. Whee!


  1. Please define "feduciary". I assume it means "financial", but no online dictionary seems to have heard of it.

  2. I think he meant "fiduciary".

  3. Where by 'thank you', I mean *gives you the finger*.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up. :-D
