Sunday, 20 March 2005

A Marathon of a Different Kind

Well, it's been a busy age, really.

Some of you may have noticed a recurring trend in my recent bloggage: a marathon search for a missing pet, a marathon quest through lands foreign and domestic for an exciting opportunity (and just because we could), and now this: a marathon hymn sing.

Of course, by now, many of you have heard of the First (and perhaps, Only) Manning Memorial Chapel Choir Hymnathon, a fundraiser for Pilgrim Song, the Choir's planned performance tour of the England, Scotland and the Inner Hebrides in April, 2006. But, about the Hymnathon.

628 hymns sounded like a whole frig-load of a lot. Oh, and they were. Including our breaks, it took 22 hours and 38 minutes to sing first (and, generally last) verses of all but one of the hymns. And I was there for just over twenty hours of it! I won a gift certificate for being a hardcore fool, and not subjecting people to my piano playing. A good time was had by all, and $3700 (!) was raised toward our final objective.

Many people have asked also how the trip to Brock went, and specifically the interview and job prospect. I did poorly on the practical skills component of the interview, and was not able to successfully compensate with my indelible charm and dashing good looks. I got a call a couple weeks ago telling me I didn't get the job, followed the next day by the job getting readvertised. Oh bother. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.

That having been said, the trip was a great time, and I was very priviledged to enjoy the company of the incredibly friendly, wonderfully patient, and generally wonderful Christine and Jenni, who both accompanied me at the expense of nearly a week of their lives, and their continued mental health. They've both described the duress we underwent far better than I could.

Speaking of things that are meant to be, have any of you, my faithful readers, ever visited, lived in, or known somebody who lived in McAdam, New Brunswick? It seems the winds of change might be trying to push me in that direction. And if they do, I'd like to know what they're pushing me toward. ;-)

Aside from that, Holy Week and Spring both started today, and it's bound to be a busy and beautiful week! Tschuß!

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