Sunday, 4 January 2004

Proof I Can Rant About Nothing

"Many great things have come out of Worcester, Massachusetts, but surely one of the greatest is Candlepin Bowling."

You read that right. There are quotation marks around that expression, which means that someone else had the audacity to say it. In public. So other people could cite it. Furthermore, it's on the homepage of the International Candlepin Bowling Assocation -- yes, you read that right, too. This organization also exists.

I dare someone to tell me many a few one good thing that has come from Worcester, Massachusetts. And further, I would dare someone (the same someone, even) to tell me why we need an international association for a ""sport" played only in three states of the Union and two provinces of the Confederation (or Dominion, if you like it).

If this diatribe about bowling isn't scary enough, I present as a further offering, the following instructional video from Microsoft on efficient algorithms for generating clouds in flight simulators [streaming video, M$-format].

A report on the Holiday Break will follow later.


  1. Candlepin bowling is played in NS, NB, and PEI...and at least five states (Ohio, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont) according to

  2. At least you don't have to support the Ontario Lawnbowling Association.

    I think that's what they call it. I just saw Lawnbowling and Association on the same line and started howling with delirious mirth, so don't blame me for not remembering...

    Bored people with no lives will enjoy any interesting sport that comes along which they can succeed in. Case in point, with said bowling. :)

  3. But, you see, that's just the thing! I'm not even good at bowling. :-D

    One lane in PEI and one in Ohio barely counts, really. The Ohio one, though, proudly announced that it is "the only Candlepin Bowling lanes in the midwest." It goes on to say that "this form of bowling, originating on the east coast, has been a tradition with residents for over 70 years."

    Poke that with a stick.

  4. In defense of all Worcesterians everywhere!
