Monday, 11 October 2004

Lots to Be Thankful For; With This Ring

Today is Thanksgiving, and I have a lot to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for my family, even though some of the younger, sillier iterations of it beat me up during long car drives. I'm thankful for my friends, who have to put up with everything that is me, and who still remain my friends for reasons I haven't quite figured out. I'm thankful for my job -- even though it sometimes drives me batty, I'm not sure if there's another office anywhere that would feel quite so much like home. And I'm thankful for my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner, because there just isn't another one quite like it.

This weekend also saw happy occasions. Saturday afternoon, as most of you know, Darrell and Joanna were married in Wolfville, in an absolutely beautiful ceremony. And contrary to Ross' assertion, Nancy is not the only person who cried. I did too.

It was a privilege to have been present as they started their lives together, and there aren't really words to talk about all the rest. It's all good, and congratulations, and all that.

Right some good.

Happy Turkey Day.

PS: Final Updates on the Ontario and Midwest Adventure will follow soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for updates, since it gave me something to do that wasn't work. Right some good, you.

    Happy Thanksgiving Brandon.
