Tuesday, 28 May 2002

A Great Adventure

"...as we set sail, we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous, and dangerous, and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."
- John F. Kennedy

As you probably know if you're reading this, I'm not a person prone to taking risks, or to doing something without obscenely preplanning how it's going to work out. I guess it's safe to say that this weekend was an exception to my rules, then.

Two friends, two pillows, a blanket, and some food got piled into my car on about five minutes notice on Saturday night (around 7:30), and off we headed to PEI.

We arrived on the island at 12:01AM Sunday morning, and, having gottten approximately no sleep the night before, proceded to find a place to stay. We found one (for about an hour) in the guise of a parking lot at Slemon Park, just outside of Summerside, until the nice security guard woke us and told us we had to leave.

Ultimately, we found ourselves in a nice, but obscenely overpriced room at Keddy's Linkletter Inn and Convention Centre in downtown Summerside. The comfort of a bed (compared to a car seat) and the prospect of sleep (compared to "not sleep") more than nullified our thoughts as to the cost.

Sunday - the true adventure begins. Our goal - visit all seven Cows stores in Prince Edward Island.

Cap it off with a last minute dash to the seventh store (and our ride home) on the MV Confederation, and some really good chicken-fried rice at the Magic Wok restaurant in Charlottetown, and it made for a pretty h3lla-sw33t weekend.

Pictures to follow. Also expect more updates and less general page-assness in the relatively near future (that is, days or weeks, as compared to never).


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